Civitan Will Sandridge Awarded Club Honor Key
In a special event held at the Sandridge residence this morning, Civitan Will Sandridge was recognized by the Civitan Club of Salisbury for his devoted and loyal service as the club’s longtime Sergeant At Arms. Civitan Club Vice President Bill Bucher was given the honor of presenting Sandridge with a Club Honor Key Award, the highest honor which can be given by the Club.
This award is presented only to Civitans who have exemplified the highest ideals of Civitan leadership and service to the local club and its members, and must be voted on by the entire club’s membership.
"In all of the years he has served, the members of our club have remarked on how dependable he is, and how much his welcoming attitude sets an example for us all," Bucher said in making the presentation, which took place at the Sandridge residence on Saturday, November 19th.
MANY, MANY THANKS to the 20+ Civitan Club members who attended the event! It was an emotional time for everyone present, but a rewarding time of remembrance and celebration for Will and everyone there. Will and wife Laura are both Civitan Club members. Will has been homebound for several months due to illness.
Will's first words upon learning that he was an Honor Key recipient were "I don't deserve this!" but it obviously was a very meaningful event for he and Laura.
“The Club should be proud that we recognize our best in this way,” said Bucher. “Will is an inspiration to everyone who knows him.”
The group couldn't stay very long because Will was getting weak from all of the attention, but he and Laura want to encourage everyone to stop by for "many, but short" visits whenever they can. We continue to wish the best for both of them throughout this difficult time.